Any upcoming events will be listed here.
- May 17 2023, IDEAL Hub Showcase in Sydney.
IDEAL Research Hub – Impact video
IDEAL Research Hub – Transforming science and technology video
IDEAL Research Hub – Transforming employment, skills and collaboration video
- 16-17 January 2021, Regional Congress of Membrane Technology (RCOM2020) & Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering (RCEnvE2020)-Malaysia (H. Ilbeygi)
- Jan – Apr 2021, BLiSS2021 (G. Kirby, Communications Chair)
- Jan – Apr 2021, BLiSS2021 (H. Ilbeygi, Member)
- 25 August 2021, Science In Focus, Online webinar: Beating COVID-19: Better Tests and Slicker Labs. Speakers: Distinguished Professor Dayong Jin, UTS and Anthony Frieldi, Australian Clinical Labs. Watch video here.
- 8 November 2021, IDEAL Hub Annual Forum 2021, Plenary Talk: The Long and the Short of COVID-19, Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, 1996 co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Watch video here.
- 9-13/2/2020: ICONN2020 ‘Mesoporous heteropoly acid as an electrode for lithium anion battery application’ (H. Ilbeygi)
- 22-23/9/2020: ANFF-SA Microengineering Winter School (C. Priest)
- 20th Australasian Polymer Summer School 2020, Steering Committee Chair (D. Arrua)
- 1/11/2020: International Conference of Optical Fibre Sensors and Applications, Plenary Talk ‘Frequency combs: Underpinning next generation of sensing’ (D. Lancaster)
- 2020 Science & Research Breakfast Seminar Series, Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, ‘Harnessing Nanophotonics for the Early Detection of Coronavirus’ (D. Jin)
Plenary / Keynotes
- 4/7/19: International Conference on Nanomaterials and Atomaterials Science and Applications (D. Jin)
- 22/8/19: 2nd EuroSciCon Congress, Enzymology and Molecular Biology – The Chloride Intracellular Ion Channel Proteins: A tale of discovery and double acts (S. Valenzuela)
- 22-26/9/19: Advanced Ceramic Materials stream of the Advanced Functional Materials symposium (IUMRS-ICA Perth, Australia) (E. Hilder)
- 14/10/19: ACS2019 – Upconversion Super Dots for Super-Resolution Imaging and Single Molecule Tracking (D. Jin)
- 9-13/11/19: member of scientific committee for 21st International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech2019 Guangzhou, China) (E. Hilder)
- 15/11/19: Phosphor Safari 2019 – Highly Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles: nanoscale science and technologies – “Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (D. Jin)
Invited Talks
- 31/1/19: International Symposium on Future Materials – Future and Challenges for Hybrid Upconversion Nanosystems, UoW. (D. Jin)
- 2/5/19: Industry Mentoring Network in STEM – Engaging with Industry, NSW (O. Shimoni, Panellist)
- AusMedTech, 14-15 May 2019 – Melbourne, Australia
- 16-19/6/19: FACTA2019 – Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy towards low level detection of drugs (R. Alder)
- 16-19/6/19: FACTA2019 – Degradation of 4-MMC in Putrefied Biological Specimens (S. Fu)
- 16-19/6/19: FACTA2019 – Adulterant detection in herbal dietary supplements marketed to enhance male sexual performance (S. Fu)
- 24/6/19: CLEO Europe – A multiple-waveguide mode-locked chip-laser architecture (D. Lancaster)
- 24/6/19: 10th International Nanomedicine Conference – Tracking of Single Nanoparticles in Living Cells (O. Shimoni)
- 26/6/19: 10th International Nanomedicine Conference – Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanoparticles Measured with Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes (A. Alghalayini)
- 26/6/19: CYTO 2019 – Single-molecule immunoaggregation assay detects biomarkers in sub-microliter sample (H. He)
- 30/6 – 4/7/9: 10th Australia and New Zealand Nano and Microfluidics Symposium, Wollongong, Australia. (C. Priest)
- 18/8/19: ChinaNANO2019 – Upconversion Super Dots for Super-Resolution Imaging and Single Molecule Tracking (D. Jin)
- 2-6/9/19: TIAFT2019 – Detection of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (R. Alder)
- 23/9/19: IUMRS2019 – Fluorescence Imaging Using Nanoparticles (O. Shimoni)
- 27-31/10/19: 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences Basel, SWITZERLAND (C. Priest)
- 11/02/20: ICONN2020 – Detection of neurodegeneration using nanoparticles as a novel MRI contrast agent (O. Shimoni)
- 1-5/12/19: High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related techniques (HPLC2019 Kyoto, Japan) (E. Hilder)
- 14/02/20: Can nanotechnology help in resolving medical questions?, UQ (O. Shimoni)
- 24/02/2020: Membranes Biophysics Workshop, Flinders Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology (C. Cranfield)
Plenary / Keynotes
- 6/4/18 – 4th International Workshop on Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors (Beijing) (D. Jin)
- 29/4/18 – Robert Hooke Keynote Lecture at 33rd Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry – CYTO 2018
(Prague) (D. Jin) - 22/7/18 – Dalian, China, 7th conference on doped luminescent nanomaterials (D. Jin)
- 29/7/18 – Lausanne, Switzerland, IEEE OMN (I. Aharonovich)
- 30/8/18 – Herzeg Novi, Montenegro, 5th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (D. Jin)
- 3/9/18 – Lausanne, Switzerland 10th International Conference on f-Elements (D. Jin)
- 10/9/18 – Perth, Australia ANZFSS 24th International Symposium (two presentations) (R. Alder)
- 13/9/18 – Changchun, China The 5th International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization (D. Jin)
- 30/10/18 – Newcastle, Australia ICEAN 2018 International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (A. Alghalayini)
Invited Talks
- 11/1/18, The International Association of Forensic Toxicologist (TIAFT) conference (Boca Raton, Florida) (S. Fu)
- 4/4/18, 2nd Conference and Spring School on Properties, Design and Applications of Upconversion Nanomaterials (Valencia) (D. Jin)
- 14/6/18, Telluride Science Research Centre (TSRC), Progress in Ultrafast Laser Modifications of Materials (D. Lancaster)
- 25/07/18, 9th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- 11/7/18, Seoul, Korea NANO KOREA 2018 (D. Jin)
- 13/7/18, Bremen, CECAM Workshop (I. Aharonovich)
- 29/7/18, CLEO Pacific Rim, Sub-Committee: Hi Power/High Energy Lasers Co-Chair (D. Lancaster)
- 08/18, Gordon Research Conference (I. Aharonovich)
- 3/9/18, EuroPhoton 2018, Barcelona, Spain (D. Lancaster)
- 5/09/18, The Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists, Sydney, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- 25/09/18, Emerging Sensing Technologies Summit (ESTS2018), Melbourne, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- 11/10/18, International Conference of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNano2018), Stockholm, Sweden (O. Shimoni)
- 1/11/18, International Conference on Emerging Advanced Materials (ICEAN 2018), Newcastle, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- 6/11/18, International Conference of Young Researchers in Advanced Materials (ICYRAM 2018), Adelaide, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- 5/12/18, Australian Society for Biophysics, Melbourne, Australia (O. Shimoni)
- ICONN 2018 – nanobiotechnology symposium (DJ as symposium program co-chair and organizer)
- 3/2/18, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) material research symposium (APEC science prize finalists/nominees and the final
winner from 10 APEC countries) - 5/2/18, International symposium on nanophotonics and devices
- 22/10/18, IDEAL Hub Annual Forum
Presentations to the Public
- 7/8/18, “Raising the Bar” talking on ‘Lasers, and laser powered stuff’ (D. Lancaster)
- 14/5/18, “Pint of Science” talk about “Future of nanotechnology in healthcare” (O. Shimoni)
- 9/8/18, presentation in a primary school about nanotechnology (O. Shimoni)
- ICNN 5-6 March 2017 – Rome, Italy: 19th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- ICOB 30 April – 1 May 2017 – Perth, Australia: 5th International Conference on Biophotonics
- ICBPBO 24-25 November 2017 – Dubai, UAE : 19th International Conference on BioPhotonics and Biomedical Optics
- IEEE 1-5 October 2017 – Orlando, USA: 30th IEEE Photonics Conference
Find out what we do at the IDEAL Research Hub.